

Food Technology Study Program ITK was officially established on April 5, 2021, according to the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 89/E/O/III/2021. Food Technology departmen in ITK accepted its first students in 2021. Currently, the study program has been accreditated as Good in accordance SK 14172/SK/BAN-PT/PB-PS/S/III/2022. The relatively slow development of food industries in Kalimantan is indicated by few food industries which willing to invest their business in Kalimantan. The study program assist the development of food industries through an initiative government plan of Indonesia new capital. Many of Kalimantan's natural potentials have not been well processed as food and its side-product, especially palawija, tropical fruits, and marine resources of Kalimantan. With the development of the Food Technology Study Program, we aspire to produce new breakthroughs in local food processing.